I cannot believe that Joe and I have been married for one year now! With school, work and the busy life we have, this year has seriously gone by so fast, I can't comprehend it! It has been such a great and amazing year!
Today is my day off. It's been nice to sit down and forget about work and ponder on the many memories of my wedding day with my eternal companion.
Our wedding day was absolutely PERFECT! I remember not being able to sleep very well the night before due to my nerves, sleeping in my two youngest brothers room hearing them snore didn't help.(that was not the perfect part) I remember waking up, calling Joe first thing, not only feeling so rested and so excited, but it feeling so right. As I walked out the door to Sister Gibson's up the road, I thought to myself 'Lynda, this is really it.' The Lord seriously blessed me because I was mentally ready for the big day!
As Sister Gibson was pining, curling, and spraying, it was relaxing to just sit and ponder what the day had in store for me. As the finishing touches on the hair were being made, my dad surprised me at the Gibson's. 'Beautiful! My only daughter is getting sealed today, and I am so grateful!' I am glad I waited to put my make-up on after my hair, I was tearing up! I remember thinking on the walk home with dad that I was not to cry, I am not going to cry, I just want to have a smile on my face. And that's exactly what happened. No one could get me to not smile on this special day.
I came back to the Mitchell house hold house hold, my parents and I gathered everything that we needed, had family prayer and we left the house to go to the Draper Temple. As we were driving, I remember looking out the window and looking at the sky and clouds and how beautiful it was and how this day was my wedding day! I was so grateful that I had made the decision to live my life according to be married and sealed in the House of the Lord.
We were the first one's in the Temple. I remember waiting with my mom and dad for Joe and his dad to show up. The thought of them not showing up within that very minute gave me anxiety. Jerry and Joe finally arrived we went and signed some paperwork and then separated to go get changed.
I loved having my mom with me helping me change into my sealing dress. I wore my wedding dress that my Grandma Pack made to get sealed in. My vail was borrowed from my Aunt Meggi. Both the dress and veil were special to me. There was a special spirit having my mom help me step by step in the process that she once went through with her mother years ago, the spirit was strong knowing that I was following my families footsteps and making the right decision. After I was ready, I met Joe in one of the rooms in the temple. Seeing him smile meant the world to me, hearing him say he loved me meant even more to me that day. I remember sitting there squeezing each others hands and seeing other couples leaving with their sealers or temple worker to go get sealed. I remember thinking oh my gosh, were up soon. There was/is something about Joe's presence, that put me into a comfort level that sends me on a high. Yep, I was on that high that whole day. I was so happy.
I loved seeing all our family in the Temple together. It was special having both sides together. Us being sealed was very memorable. I loved the things that the sealer said and the promises he gave us. Kiss was amazing! It was absolutely perfect!
My Grandma Pack surprised me with a winter coat made out of the same fabric that my dress was made out of..again it was so special to me.
It was quite comical after I met up with Joe after the sealing. I'll I could do was laugh, I was so in love with my new husband, we did it! We were quickly told that our family members and friends were waiting outside, so we walked outside and not even half of all who came was out there waiting, everyone else ran out as we were walking out. I will NEVER forget the many faces that attended.I WONT forget my mother in laws car being towed right after we gathered to chat with people in between pictures. It was a tender mercy that that car made it up the hill and to the temple parking lot before it broke down. After all the pictures Joe and I headed to macorroni grill! The rest of the time between the Temple and the reception fun hanging out with my best friend, sun shining, it was a beautiful day.
The Reception was hilarious looking back, 2 hours of non stop family and friends. I got cake shoved in my face while doing a gymnastics back bend move. Got to yell at my dad while having dad/daughter dance because of how loud the music was. Our car was decorated in baby burp rags, and shaving cream. It was a fun celebration with all that could attend.
Joe finally meet aunt Sarah! She ment the world to him and he ment the world to her. They talked for hours at a time during our dating and engaged time. It sure did mean a lot to me for Joe to confined in her, even though I didn't know all of (and will never know) what was said between them two. Sarah was someone at the time that wasn't family yet, but yet Joe treated her like a sister. Aunt Sarah's company on the wedding day was something I'll never forget.
December 17th, 2010 was perfect! I am so grateful that I married Joseph. We have had such a great year. I believe that we have both learned and grown so so much in this year. My heart still melts when I think of him. I am so grateful for Joe's and I testimony in the gospel that has aloud us to tune in with the spirit and grow closer due to our many experiences together.