Lili was in town this past week, we met up to walk (of course) and talked about the "Running Buddy" days. My spring semester of 08', my dorm neighbor (Lili) dropped everything to go running with me. "Running Buddy?", I yelled down the hallway of my dorm almost everyday. At first, hanging out was strictly to attend aerobics or go running, I never thought we would be best friends today. With time and many conversations, we got to know each others stories/life. Lili is a unique person who knew exactly what to say and always offered gratitude for dealing with her challenges. She often gave great advice, and had a positive perspective on life. I remember toward the end of the summer, Lili and I went hiking. This was the usual routine where we said what was on our minds. It was mostly about school, since we were full time students. She expressed herself being stuck, wanting to give up on her life long goals of schooling. I remember recycling those words of encouragement that once she spoke to me months prior. Over the course of a few years, we have established a life long friendship. It has always been such a positive experience for me. I'm grateful we decided to go running/walking/aerobics everyday because of the positive goals we set for our lifes. I love her.
This past month I've been reminded of her sweet words as I walk with my other "Running Buddies". The extra hours of sleep I lose in the morning is WORTH every minute because of the wonderful sprits my sister-in-laws bring at 4am in the morning. When my alarm goes off, I've often questioned, WHY in the HECK am I doing this?...when it's all said and done, it's simple, very rewarding and I love them.

We look Hot!