Friday, June 24, 2011

June 15-22

C.N.A Week At Avalon Valley Rehab

Planning C.N.A week ended up being a success. It took about a month to get every thing put together and in place for this last week. It was a HUGE deal for me to make sure we did something different then what they do every year, which is a BBQ & T-shirt. It was planned that we have a theme dress day/ some sort of treat/ craft/ massage & glitter toe pedicure/ trivia & prizes/ lunchoen.

Thursday: Survival Kit

Cut fabric, glued ribbon, and assorted candy to 67 caning jars. They turned out better than I thought they would!

Friday: BBQ/ Causal Dress Day/ Trivia & Prizes

The DON, and ADON took my spot this day due to me being off work for a wedding. They asked random fun questions over the headsets, who ever was the first person to answer correctly would get a prize. Every staff member was able to participate.

Saturday: Donuts
Sunday: Fruit Plates

Monday: Chocolate/ Thank you Card/ Jersey Dress Day

I hand wrote 67 personal thank you cards to all the C.N.A staff members, which made my wedding gift thank you cards that I wrote last year seem like NOTHING! It took lots of time during my shifts each day, but finished in time to hand them out with the chocolate bar.
It was FUN sporting Joe's high school football jersey for theme day.

Tuesday: Spa, Pamper Day: Glitter Toes, Massages, Hand Wax/ Causal Dress Day

The administrators wife works at a spa, he got us hooked up with pedicures from professionals. The massages were also from a group of professionals. Each C.N.A was to sign up for either/ or! What a Girly Day!

Wednesday: Luncheon/ Surprise Gift

It was a success. With lots of help setting up and prepping, it took 4 Platters of sub-way sandwiches to ease this bunch. The surprise was a t-shirt stating "nursing is a work of heart" which looks like the chocolate bar on the back of the shirt.

Fun stuff, but...I'm glad it's done and over with! :)

Monday Batting

"I see great things in baseball. It's our game - the American game. It will take our people out-of-doors, fill them with oxygen, give them a larger physical stoicism. Tend to relieve us from being a nervous, dyspeptic set. Repair these losses, and be a blessing to us." -Author Unknown

Getting Ready...
.."MINE, I Got It"
"...Lets Do One More Good One"
Melissa Hit Em Hard!
Val Kept Hittin "Bingg, Bingg"
Cristie!..."I Think It's The Hat"
What a Great Coach
Team Players

Sunday, June 19, 2011

To the most loving father a daughter could ever have; HAPPY FATHERS DAY!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

"There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul."

~ Ella Wheeler Wilcox